DIY Montessori-Inspired Activities for a 2 Year Old children

Note: I got most of these thoughts either from Pinterest, or from the publication Teach Me to Do It Myself: Montessori Activities for You and Your Child by Maja Pitamic (one of my all-time favourite Montessori publications, and one I highly recommend if you’re interested in Montessori-at home). And bonus: all of these tasks are unbelievably low cost, or even free — they generally use things you already have at home. I don’t possess the money to invest in Montessori materials that are elaborate, so I do my best with what I 've. Developing the Perceptions

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Montessori activity ideas

Cutting with Scissors


Yes, actual scissors. No, she hasn't lost any fingers. (I purchased her a pair of these Fiskars spring-action preschool scissors because I believed they'd be easier to use, but she really favors the regular type.)

Stringing Wooden Beads onto Embroidery Thread


Since thread is quite a bit trickier for lining than pipe cleaners, you’ll want plastic embroidery needles for this particular action (I got mine from Hobby Lobby; you can also get them here). Tie a bead onto the other end to maintain the beads from falling off.

Stringing Pony Beads onto Pipe Cleaners


Since they remain stiff and then grasp onto the beads to keep them from slipping pipe cleaners are great for little hands. (I’ve already sung their praises here).

Transferring with a Dropper


This one is part fine-motor exercise, part science experiment: I coloured some vinegar, and had her transfer it to a plate of baking soda to watch it sizzle and foam. Interesting!

Sequencing/Matching 2D Shapes (Circles)


She managed to catch on rather quickly. For some reason she couldn’t get it whatsoever, although I attempted the same task with squares and triangles. I’ll try again in a couple of months.

Montessori child care center

Numeracy - Number Rods


Number sticks are a great, easy-to-make tool for introducing your toddler to numerals and amount